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Location: Para, Brazil

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Malachite Man

 Malachite Man

The evidence appears obvious that these 10 men, woman and children, were buried rapidly by some catastrophe, like a flood. Articulated skeletons indicate rapid burial. Some propose to explain these bones by arguing that they were mining, when the mine collapsed. However there is no indication of tunnels, and woman and small children would not likely be included in a mining operation. Additionally, no tools have been found and there are no crushed bones which would be expected if the mine caved in. Another invalid explanation is that this is a mass grave and they were buried. This cannot be true because the living would have to dig a grave 50-100 feet deep through extremely hard sandstone layers. The modern mining operation was halted in the 1970's because the sandstone was so hard it was destroying the bulldozers. These humans appear to have been buried by the same catastrophe that buried dinosaurs in this continent spanning formation. Humans and dinosaurs must have lived at the same time

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Panoramic view of the two excavation sites. The location of 1971 excavation site is slightly below center horizontal line and about 1/6th in from the left. The location of the 1990 excavation site is dead center of the photo.

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This perfectly modern human jaw bone and teeth have been completely replaced by turquoise and was found at the site. Note also a top view of the same jaw below, showing detail of the teeth.

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1971 Excavation: These bones, from twoClick to View different individuals, a male and a female, were among the first bones found at the site.

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1971 Excavation: These bones, from two different individuals, a male and a female, were among the first bones found at the site.

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1971 Excavation: A close up of these perfectly modern human bones.

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1990 Excavation: These human bones appear to be articulated, but are not. They seem to have been washed into place.

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1990 Excavation: These modern human bones are perfectly articulated, and include the pelvis, thigh bone, knee, shin bones, as well as a fully articulated delicate angle and foot bones. You can also see the second leg in the back ground still encased in the rock.


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