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Thursday, April 04, 2019


Apologetics Press :: Examine the Evidence

Welcome to "Examine the Evidence," a multimedia outreach of Apologetics Press. Currently, our radio spots are being featured in many different regions of the United States, as well as other parts of the world. Listed below you will find not only the radio broadcast you heard that may have brought you to this Web page, but also several articles related to that particular message. We hope you find this information useful, and we encourage you to use our Web site¹s search engine to find other material relevant to your particular interests.

The Stunning Accuracy of Historical and Geographical Details in the Bible
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Which God?
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The Scientific Foreknowledge of the Bible Verifies Its Divine Origin
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Hobbit Man: Another Paleo-Blunder
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The Year of the Frog
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Modern-day Astrologers, Psychics, and Fortunetellers are Vague, While the Bible is Accurate 100% of the Time
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Naturalism Contradicts Itself
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Does Merely Claiming Divine Inspiration Establish the Fact of Inspiration?
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Neanderthal Man: Nothing but a Man
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Can I Know that God Exists?
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Paleo-Artists and Conjecture
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One Proof for the Existence of God is the Fact that Humans Possess a Conscience
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Science: Instituted by God
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One Proof for God’s Existence is the Fact that the Universe Exhibits Design, Order, and Purpose
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Blind Faith
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Was the Universe Created “Ex Nihilo”—Out of Nothing?
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